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WeGo! Co-Leader Program

The WeGo! Co-Leader Program supplements our 4-step Leadership Program, enabling girls who previously took part in this program, to form a central cohort in which they share their na`auao (wisdom) forward to help organize events aligned with the 4 steps in support of our new leaders.


This cycle of learning and teaching is vital in creating and perpetuating a strong female community everywhere. The beauty of this system is its inclusivity. Girls from vastly different communities in Hawaii (private and public schools, both large and small) as well as internationally in Japan (in the Kanto & Kansai regions) have gone through these programs, and we've been able to bridge these communities together to create a global network of female leaders, promoting positive change and global cooperation. 

Over 30+ 


30+ girls enrolled in this program strive to:

"Foster positive change"

"Amplify female voices"

"Encourage girls to seek help comfortably."


Girls have said they were able to:

"Engage with others and generate meaningful impact"

"Initiate a cycle of change in areas I care about"

"Enhance and apply my skills to empower my community."

Hear From The Girls

"As a co-leader, I'm able to be better involved with my community. This program is a great way to engage with people of facets, and create beneficial impact. I want to ensure that I'm maximizing my potential and I feel like that was best achieved through this program."

Sonya Duval-Arnould

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